Beyond Onboarding

Beyond Onboarding


Congratulations on completing the onboarding tutorials, you are now equipped with the understanding to:

  • Plan your next tracking sprints, by...
    • Refining your metrics based on the observations you have seen thus far
    • Adding new events and properties, and refining existing ones to gain better insights

  • Implement your next set of tracking plan, by...
    • Sending your new events and properties from the updated tracking plan
    • Conducting quality and audit checks to ensure data governance before going live

  • Launch your new tracking, by...
    • Deploying your new tracking codes to gather user behaviors
    • Building new dashboards, reports, and user cohorts to track new metrics and KPIs

Keeping Up with Mixpanel

Should you have any feedback you want to share, simply click Submit Feedback (opens in a new tab) in the Mixpanel UI.


If you have any questions, do reach out to our Mixpanel Support team who are always ready to lend their product expertise and share tips to help you get the most out of your Mixpanel experience.

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