Mixpanel SDKs: Javascript
Getting Started
Please refer to our Quickstart Guide.
The Full API Reference, Library Source Code, and an Example Application is documented in our GitHub repo.
Installing the Library
The easiest way to install the library is to load it from our CDN to your website. Paste the following code snippet right before the closing </head>
tag in your page HTML.
// Paste this right before your closing head tag
<script type="text/javascript">
(function (f, b) { if (!b.__SV) { var e, g, i, h; window.mixpanel = b; b._i = []; b.init = function (e, f, c) { function g(a, d) { var b = d.split("."); 2 == b.length && ((a = a[b[0]]), (d = b[1])); a[d] = function () { a.push([d].concat(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0))); }; } var a = b; "undefined" !== typeof c ? (a = b[c] = []) : (c = "mixpanel"); a.people = a.people || []; a.toString = function (a) { var d = "mixpanel"; "mixpanel" !== c && (d += "." + c); a || (d += " (stub)"); return d; }; a.people.toString = function () { return a.toString(1) + ".people (stub)"; }; i = "disable time_event track track_pageview track_links track_forms track_with_groups add_group set_group remove_group register register_once alias unregister identify name_tag set_config reset opt_in_tracking opt_out_tracking has_opted_in_tracking has_opted_out_tracking clear_opt_in_out_tracking start_batch_senders people.set people.set_once people.unset people.increment people.append people.union people.track_charge people.clear_charges people.delete_user people.remove".split( " "); for (h = 0; h < i.length; h++) g(a, i[h]); var j = "set set_once union unset remove delete".split(" "); a.get_group = function () { function b(c) { d[c] = function () { call2_args = arguments; call2 = [c].concat(Array.prototype.slice.call(call2_args, 0)); a.push([e, call2]); }; } for ( var d = {}, e = ["get_group"].concat( Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0)), c = 0; c < j.length; c++) b(j[c]); return d; }; b._i.push([e, f, c]); }; b.__SV = 1.2; e = f.createElement("script"); e.type = "text/javascript"; e.async = !0; e.src = "undefined" !== typeof MIXPANEL_CUSTOM_LIB_URL ? MIXPANEL_CUSTOM_LIB_URL : "file:" === f.location.protocol && "//cdn.mxpnl.com/libs/mixpanel-2-latest.min.js".match(/^\/\//) ? "https://cdn.mxpnl.com/libs/mixpanel-2-latest.min.js" : "//cdn.mxpnl.com/libs/mixpanel-2-latest.min.js"; g = f.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; g.parentNode.insertBefore(e, g); } })(document, window.mixpanel || []);
Afterward, create an instance of the Mixpanel object by calling .init()
using your project token in your JS file. Any methods called from this object will target your project.
// Create an instance of the Mixpanel object
mixpanel.init('YOUR_PROJECT_TOKEN', {autocapture: true});
Library Configuration
The Mixpanel object can be initialized with different configurations. See a complete list of the configuration options and default values here.
You can override the default configuration using the config
argument when initializing the library.
Example Usage
// create an instance of the Mixpanel object
mixpanel.init('YOUR_PROJECT_TOKEN', {
persistence: 'localStorage', // set persistence to local storage
debug: true, // enable debug log in console
You can update the configuration after initialization using the .set_config
Example Usage
// create an instance of the Mixpanel object
mixpanel.init('YOUR_PROJECT_TOKEN', {
debug: true, // enable debug log in console
// disable debug log after initialization
debug: false
// debug is disabled
Starting with SDK version 2.60.0, the Javascript SDK can autocapture events when you enable it. To do so, enable the autocapture configuration:
// create an instance of the Mixpanel object
mixpanel.init('YOUR_PROJECT_TOKEN', {
autocapture: true, // enable autocapture
If you’d like to change the default Autocapture settings, you can use custom configs. This is the default configuration:
mixpanel.init('YOUR_PROJECT_TOKEN', {
autocapture: {
pageview: "full-url",
click: true,
input: true,
scroll: true,
submit: true,
capture_text_content: false,
Omitting elements from Autocapture tracking
Add the built-in .mp-no-track
class to any element you wish to exclude from tracking. You can also opt an individual element out of being included in any tracking (including the $elements
prop of another target’s event) using the .mp-sensitive
Alternatively, you can update your Autocapture configuration using different blocking options:
: used to block specific classes
mixpanel.init('YOUR_PROJECT_TOKEN', {
autocapture: {
block_selectors: ['.class1', 'button.class2']
: used to block Autocapture from tracking on certain pages
mixpanel.init('YOUR_PROJECT_TOKEN', {
autocapture: {
block_url_regexes: [/\/login\/?$/, /\/payment\/?$/]
Disabling Autocapture
To disable Autocapture, see the following code sample:
mixpanel.init('YOUR_PROJECT_TOKEN', {
autocapture: false
Note that disabling Autocapture does not disable Session Replay, which is configured separately.
Autocapture Init Options
Option | Description | Default |
click | When set to true , Mixpanel will track element clicks. It will not track textContent unless capture_text_content is also set to true . | true |
input | When set to true , Mixpanel will track when an input is provided. It will not capture input content. | true |
pageview | When set, Mixpanel will collect pageviews when some components of the URL change — including UTM parameters. | "full-url" |
scroll | When set, Mixpanel will collect page scrolls at specified scroll intervals. | true |
submit | When set to true , Mixpanel will track form submissions (but not submission content). | true |
capture_text_content | When set to true , Mixpanel will capture the textContent of any element. | false |
capture_extra_attrs | Enables specification of additional attributes to track. | [] |
scroll_depth_percent_checkpoints | Establishes the scroll depth intervals which trigger Page Scroll event. | [25, 50, 75, 100] |
scroll_capture_all | When set to true, overrides scroll_depth_percentage_checkpoints and captures all scroll events. | false |
block_url_regexes | Opts out specific pages from Autocapture. | [] |
allow_url_regexes | Opts in specific pages to Autocapture. | [] |
block_selectors | Opts out specific classes from Autocapture. | [] |
allow_selectors | Opts in specific classes to Autocapture. | [] |
block_attrs | Opts out specific attributes from Autocapture. | [] |
allow_element_callback | A user-provided function that determines whether a specific element should be tracked via Autocapture or not. The function receives the element as its first argument, and the DOM event as its second argument, and should return true if the element should be tracked (otherwise the element will NOT be tracked). | not set |
block_element_callback | A user-provided function that determines whether a specific element should be blocked from tracking via Autocapture or not. The function receives the element as its first argument, and the DOM event as its second argument, and should return true if the element should be blocked. | not set |
HTML attributes captured by default
By default, Autocapture collects the following HTML attributes on events:
HTML Element Attribute | Description |
aria-label | Provides an accessible name for an element, used by assistive technologies like screen readers. |
aria-labelledby | Identifies one or more elements that serve as labels for the current element, improving accessibility. |
aria-described-by | References an element that provides additional description or context for the current element. |
href | Specifies the URL of a linked resource, commonly used in <a> (anchor) and <link> elements. |
name | Defines the name of an input field, form, or metadata element, often used for form controls and <meta> tags. |
role | Defines the semantic role of an element to assist accessibility tools in interpreting the page structure. |
title | Provides additional information about an element, typically displayed as a tooltip when hovered. |
type | Specifies the type of an element, commonly used in <input> fields to define input behavior (e.g., text, password, email). |
Default event properties on Autocapture events
On Autocapture events, Mixpanel default-tracks the following properties:
Event Property | Description |
$event_type | The type of DOM event that was captured (e.g., “click”, “submit”). |
$host | The hostname of the webpage where the event was triggered (e.g., example.com ). |
$pathname | The path portion of the URL where the event occurred (e.g., /checkout ). |
$elements | A list of elements that were involved in the event, useful for understanding element context. |
$target | The specific HTML element that triggered the event (e.g., a button or link). |
$el_attr__href | The href attribute of the target element if it is a link (<a> tag). |
$el_classes | The CSS classes associated with the target element. |
$el_tag_name | The tag name of the element that triggered the event (e.g., button , a , div ). |
$viewportHeight | The height of the browser’s viewport at the time of the event. |
$viewportWidth | The width of the browser’s viewport at the time of the event. |
$clientX | The X-coordinate of the mouse pointer relative to the browser’s viewport when the event occurred. |
$clientY | The Y-coordinate of the mouse pointer relative to the browser’s viewport when the event occurred. |
$offsetX | The X-coordinate of the mouse pointer relative to the event target element. |
$offsetY | The Y-coordinate of the mouse pointer relative to the event target element. |
$pageX | The X-coordinate of the mouse pointer relative to the full page. |
$pageY | The Y-coordinate of the mouse pointer relative to the full page. |
$screenX | The X-coordinate of the mouse pointer relative to the screen. |
$screenY | The Y-coordinate of the mouse pointer relative to the screen. |
$x | The X-coordinate of the event, often synonymous with $pageX . |
$y | The X-coordinate of the event, often synonymous with $pageY . |
Sending Events
The Javascript SDK provides a few different methods to send event data to your project. Calling any of the event tracking methods below will generate an event payload, then trigger a request to the /track API endpoint to ingest the event into your project.
All events sent from the JavaScript library will be sent over HTTPS.
The /track endpoint will only validate events with timestamps within the last 5 days of the request. Events with timestamps older than 5 days will not be ingested. See below on best practices for historical imports.
Autocapture Events
If you’ve enabled Autocapture, you do not need to set up precision tracking for page view or UTMs unless you are tracking a single-page application.
Track Events
Once you initialized the Mixpanel object, call .track()
to send an event by providing the event name and any event properties.
Example Usage
// Send a "Played song" event to Mixpanel
mixpanel.track("Played song",{
"genre": "hip-hop" // with an event property "genre" set to "hip-hop"
Avoid using names containing $
or mp
(e.g. $name
, mp_country_code
, etc.) as they are used by our reserved event properties which receive special treatment in our UI or are used for special processing.
Track Page Views
Page view tracking is turned off by default. Page view events can be added automatically on every page load by enabling the track_pageview
config option when creating the Mixpanel object.
Example Usage
//create an instance of the Mixpanel object
mixpanel.init('YOUR_PROJECT_TOKEN', {
track_pageview: true // enable automatic pageview tracking
The default track_pageview
setting does not auto-track page views in single-page applications. For tracking dynamic page views in single-page applications, the track_pageview
option can also accept the following values for tracking.
Example Usage
// Track when the path changes, ignoring any query string or hash changes
mixpanel.init('YOUR_PROJECT_TOKEN', {
track_pageview: "url-with-path"
// Track when the path or query string change, ignoring hash changes
mixpanel.init('YOUR_PROJECT_TOKEN', {
track_pageview: "url-with-path-and-query-string"
// Track any URL changes in the path, query string, or hash
mixpanel.init('YOUR_PROJECT_TOKEN', {
track_pageview: "full-url"
The default page view event has the event name ($mp_web_page_view
), and includes the event properties page title (current_page_title
), URL components (current_domain
, current_url_path
, current_url_protocol
, current_url_search
), and marketing parameters. Additional page view event properties can be added.
Example Usage
// Send a default page view event "$mp_web_page_view"
// Send a default page view event with additional "page" property
"page": "Pricing"
Track UTM Tags
The JavaScript library will automatically add the following UTM parameters present on the page to events fired from that page load:
- utm_source
- utm_campaign
- utm_medium
- utm_term
- utm_content
- utm_id
- utm_source_platform
- utm_campaign_id
- utm_creative_format
- utm_marketing_tactic
UTM tracking is case sensitive and should be formatted in lowercase as shown in the examples above.
UTM parameters are by default persisted across events as Super Properties. To opt in to the recommended modern behavior most compatible with our attribution models, use the SDK initialization option {stop_utm_persistence: true}
to disable UTM param persistence (refer to our Release Notes in GitHub).
Example Usage
//create an instance of the Mixpanel object
mixpanel.init('YOUR_PROJECT_TOKEN', {
stop_utm_persistence: true // disable utm persistence
When UTM parameters for an identified user are seen for the first time, these will also be stored on the user profile as the following user properties:
- initial_utm_source
- initial_utm_campaign
- initial_utm_medium
- initial_utm_term
- initial_utm_content
- initial_utm_id
- initial_utm_source_platform
- initial_utm_campaign_id
- initial_utm_creative_format
- initial_utm_marketing_tactic
In addition to UTM parameters, Mixpanel will also add any advertising click IDs to events fired. These include:
- dclid
- fbclid
- gclid
- ko_click_id
- li_fat_id
- msclkid
- sccid
- ttclid
- twclid
- wbraid
Learn more about UTM tracking.
Other Tracking Methods
There are other less common methods for sending data to Mixpanel. Refer to the full API documentation.
Importing Historical Events
The Javascript SDK is a tracking SDK designed for real-time tracking in a client-side environment. Calling the .track()
method triggers a request to our /track API endpoint, which will validate for events with a timestamp that is within the last 5 days of the request. Events older than 5 days will not be ingested.
For bulk import of historical events older than 5 days, we will need to use the /import API endpoint which is optimized for scripting and supports ingesting historical data. We recommend the Python SDK (see the .import_data()
function) and mixpanel-utils module (see the import_events()
function) which both leverages the /import API for event ingestion.
Setting Super Properties
Super properties are global event properties that you define once and apply to all events.
To register super properties, call .register()
Use .register_once()
to register super properties without overwriting existing values.
Example Usage
// register "name" as a super property
name: 'Sam',
// register "city" as an additional super property
// ignore "name" since it already exists
name: 'Samantha',
city: 'San Francisco'
// track a "registration" event
// the event will include the "name" property set to "Sam"
// and "city" set to "San Francisco"
Your super properties are stored in the cookie generated by the domain that is loading the library. They will persist for the life of that cookie, which by default is 365 days. If you wish to change the life of the cookie, adjust the cookie_expiration
Example Usage
// set cookie_expiration to 90 days upon initialization
mixpanel.init('YOUR_PROJECT_TOKEN', {
'cookie_expiration': 90
Managing User Identity
You can handle the identity of a user using the .identify()
and .reset()
methods. Learn more about identity management and identifying users.
We recommend against calling .identify()
for anonymous visitors to your site.
Call .identify()
when you know the identity of the current user, passing in their user ID as an argument. This is typically at account registration and at log in.
Example Usage
// your user signs in and tracks a sign in event
mixpanel.track('sign in');
// upon sign in, identify the user with their ID
// ensure future events sent from the user have distinct_id 12345
Call Reset at Logout
Call .reset()
to clear data attributed to a user when they logout. This will clear the cookie/local storage and allows you to handle multiple users on a single device.
Example Usage
// your user logs out and tracks a log out event
mixpanel.track('log out');
// generate new cookie with new distinct_id
Storing User Profiles
Once your users are identified, create user profiles by setting profile properties to describe them. Example profile properties include “name”, “email”, “company”, and any other demographic details about the user.
The Javascript SDK provides a few methods for setting profile properties under .people
, which will trigger requests to the /engage API endpoint.
Setting Profile Properties
You must call .identify()
before setting profile properties in order to associate the profile properties you set with the target user. If identify is not called, the profile update will be queued for ingestion until an identify call is made.
Set profile properties on a user profile by calling the .people.set()
If a profile property already exist, if will be overwritten with the latest value provided in the method. If a profile property does not exist, it will be added to the profile.
Example Usage
// You must call identify to associate the profile update with the user
// Create "plan" profile prop for user "12345"
plan: 'Premium'
// We only need to call identify once per page load
plan: 'Enterprise', // Update "plan" from "Premium" to "Enterprise"
company: 'mixpanel' // Create new "company" profile prop
Other Types Of Profile Updates
There are a few other methods for setting profile properties. See a complete reference of the available methods here.
A few commonly used people methods are highlighted below:
The .people.set_once()
method set profile properties only if they do not exist yet. If it is setting a profile property that already exists, it will be ignored.
Use this method if you want to set profile properties without the risk of overwriting existing data.
Example Usage
// set profile properties for user "1234"
name: 'Sam',
// "name" will not be update since it already exists
// "email" will be added to profile
name: 'Samantha',
email: 'sam@mail.com'
Group Analytics
Read more about Group Analytics before proceeding. You will need to have the group key defined in your project settings first.
Mixpanel Group Analytics is a paid add-on that allows behavioral data analysis by groups (e.g. company, team), as opposed to individual users.
A group is identified by the group_key
and group_id
is the event property that connects event data to a group. (e.g.company
is the identifier for a specific group. (e.g.mixpanel
, etc.)
The Javascript SDK provides a few method for adding individual users to a group and setting group profile properties.
Adding Users to a Group
All events must have the group key as an event property in order to be attributed to a group. Without the group key, an event cannot be attributed to a group.
Call the .set_group()
method to register the current user to a group, which would add the group_key
as an event property set to the group_id
value to all events moving forward.
Alternatively, you can manually add the group key property to be more selective about which events to attribute to a group.
Example Usage
// assign the current user to the "mixpanel" company group
mixpanel.set_group('company', 'mixpanel');
// track "some_event"
// event property "company" = ["mixpanel"] is added automatically
// alternatively you can manually set the group key on each event
company: ['mixpanel']
Multiple Groups
An event can be attributed to multiple groups by passing in the group_key
value as a list of multiple group_id
Call .add_group()
to add additional group_id
to an existing list.
Example Usage
// assign the current user to the "mixpanel" company group
// events will contain 'company' prop set to ["mixpanel"]
mixpanel.set_group('company', 'mixpanel');
// add "mp-us" as an additional company group
// new "company" value is ["mixpanel","mp-us"]
mixpanel.add_group('company', 'mp-us');
// track "some_event"
// event property "company" = ["mixpanel","mp-us"] is added automatically
Adding Group Identifiers to User Profiles
To connect group information to a user profile, include the group_key
and group_id
as a user profile property using the people.set()
// set group key "company" as a user prop
// with group id "mixpanel" as value
Setting Group Profile Properties
Create a group profiles by setting group properties, similar to a user profile. For example, you may want to describe a company group with properties such as “ARR”, “employee_count”, and “subscription”.
To set group profile properties, specify the group that needs to be updated by calling .get_group()
, then set the group properties by chaining the .set()
method, which will trigger a request to the /groups API endpoint.
Example Usage
// assign the current user to the "mixpanel" company group
mixpanel.set_group('company', 'mixpanel');
// specify the target group using the group_key and group_id
// set "name", "features", and "employee_count" as group profile props
name: 'Mixpanel',
features: ['reports','alerts','cohorts'],
employee_count: 100
Other Group Profile Methods
There are a few other methods for setting group profile properties under .group
A few commonly used group methods are highlighted below:
The .group.set_once()
method set group profile properties only if they do not exist yet. If it is setting a profile property that already exists, it will be ignored.
Use this method if you want to set group profile properties without the risk of overwriting existing data.
Example Usage
// assign the current user to the "mixpanel" company group
mixpanel.set_group('company', 'mixpanel');
// set group profile properties
name: 'Mixpanel',
// ignore "name" since it already exists
// add "color" as a group profile prop
name: 'mp',
color: 'purple'
Debug Mode
To enable debug mode, set the debug
configuration option to true
when initializing the Mixpanel object.
Example Usage
Remove this parameter before going into production.
// enable debug log in the console
mixpanel.init('YOUR_PROJECT_TOKEN', {
debug: true
If you implemented using the HTML snippet, the mixpanel
object is globally accessible and you can enable debug mode directly from the console by calling mixpanel.set_config({debug:true});
Learn more about debugging.
Privacy-Friendly Tracking
You have control over the data you send to Mixpanel. The Javascript SDK provide methods to help you protect user data.
Learn more about Privacy.
Opt Out of Tracking
The Javascript SDK is initialized with tracking enabled by default. Use the .opt_out_tracking()
method to opt the user out of data tracking and cookies/local storage for the current Mixpanel instance.
Example Usage
//send "some_event"
// opt user out of tracking
// SDK is prevented from sending any data
// this track call will not work
Opt Out by Default
You can initialize the library with users opted out of tracking by default using the opt_out_tracking_by_default
configuration. Once the user is ready to be tracked, call .opt_in_tracking()
to start tracking.
Example Usage
// create an instance of the Mixpanel object
// users are opted out of tracking by default
mixpanel.init('YOUR_PROJECT_TOKEN', {
opt_out_tracking_by_default: true
// this track call will not work
//opt user in to tracking
// send "some_other_event"
EU Data Residency
Route data to Mixpanel’s EU servers by setting a api_host
configuration when creating the Mixpanel object.
Learn more about EU Data Residency.
Example Usage
// create an instance of the Mixpanel object
// route requests to Mixpanel's EU servers
mixpanel.init('YOUR_PROJECT_TOKEN', {
api_host: 'https://api-eu.mixpanel.com',
India Data Residency
Route data to Mixpanel’s India servers by setting a api_host
configuration when creating the Mixpanel object.
Learn more about India Data Residency.
Example Usage
// create an instance of the Mixpanel object
// route requests to Mixpanel's India servers
mixpanel.init('YOUR_PROJECT_TOKEN', {
api_host: 'https://api-in.mixpanel.com',
Disable Geolocation
The Javascript SDK parse the request IP address to generate geolocation properties for events and profiles. To disable geolocation, set the ip
to false
when initializing the library.
Learn more about geolocation.
Example Usage
//create an instance of the Mixpanel object
// disable IP address for geolocation parsing
mixpanel.init('YOUR_PROJECT_TOKEN', {
ip: false
Disable Default Properties
To disable default properties from being tracked, add them to the property_blacklist
config flag when initializing the library.
Example Usage
//create an instance of the Mixpanel object
// stop setting the $os and $browser event properties
mixpanel.init('YOUR_PROJECT_TOKEN', {
property_blacklist: ['$browser','$os']
Mixpanel Cookie
By default, Mixpanel cookies send over HTTPS requests as part of the headers. However, Mixpanel’s JavaScript library provides a configuration to completely prevent the browser from transmitting your cookies with non-HTTPS requests.
To enable this, set the secure_cookie
configuration from the default value of false
to true
Example Usage
// create an instance of the Mixpanel object
mixpanel.init('YOUR_PROJECT_TOKEN', {
'secure_cookie': true // prevent transmitting cookie with non-HTTPs requests
If you configure your instance to send data over HTTP (instead of HTTPS) but set secure_cookie: true
, then your cookie data will not sent to the server.
Hosted Subdomains
By default, Mixpanel cookie works across subdomain, keeping Mixpanel’s Distinct ID and Super Properties consistent across your sub-domains. For hosted subdomains (see complete list of affected domains) that don’t allow cross-subdomain cookies, disable cross-subdomain cookie by setting the cross_subdomain_cookie
configuration option to false
. Alternatively, you can also use a CNAME
to change from yourdomain.hostapp.com
to yourdomain.com
Example Usage
// create an instance of the Mixpanel object
mixpanel.init('YOUR_PROJECT_TOKEN', {
'cross_subdomain_cookie': false // prevent cookie persistence across subdomains
Tracking Via Proxy
You can route events from Mixpanel’s SDKs via a proxy in your own domain, which can reduce the likelihood of ad-blockers impacting your tracking.
There are two steps: setting up a proxy server and pointing our JavaScript SDK at your server.
Step 1: Set up a proxy server
The simplest way is to use our sample nginx config. This config redirects any calls made to your proxy server to Mixpanel.
Step 2: Point our JavaScript SDK at your server
Add the following line before the Mixpanel JS snippet, replacing YOUR_PROXY_DOMAIN
with your proxy server’s domain. This is not required if you use npm or yarn instead of the snippet:
const MIXPANEL_CUSTOM_LIB_URL = "https://<YOUR_PROXY_DOMAIN>/lib.min.js";
Add your proxy server to the mixpanel.init
//create an instance of the Mixpanel object
mixpanel.init('YOUR_PROJECT_TOKEN', {
api_host: 'https://<YOUR_PROXY_DOMAIN>' // set the proxy server as the api_host
Here’s a full code sample.
Session Replay
Capture and replay data on how users interact with your application. By default, the Replay functionality is disabled and will not be loaded into your application until explicitly enabled. Ensure your application runs at least version 2.50.0 of our JavaScript SDK to use this feature.
Before you enable Session Replay for a large audience, we recommend testing in a demo project, and starting in production with smaller sets of users or accounts, so that you can monitor performance and ensure your privacy rules align with company policies.
Implementation / Sampling
Implementing Session Replay and setting your sampling rate can be accomplished in a single step during the SDK initialization. Here’s how to activate Session Replay and control the volume of session data captured:
record_sessions_percent: 1 //records 1% of all sessions
Start with a low sampling rate, such as 1%, and adjust according to your specific analytics needs.
Note: This is the only change needed in your existing JavaScript SDK setup to enable Session Replay.
Init Options
Option | Description | Default |
record_block_class | CSS class name or regular expression for elements which will be replaced with an empty element of the same dimensions, blocking all contents. | new RegExp('^(mp-block|fs-exclude|amp-block|rr-block|ph-no-capture)$') (common industry block classes) |
record_block_selector | CSS selector for elements which will be replaced with an empty element of the same dimensions, blocking all contents. | "img, video" |
record_collect_fonts | When true, Mixpanel will collect and store the fonts on your site to use in playback. | false |
record_idle_timeout_ms | Duration of inactivity in milliseconds before ending a contiguous replay. A new replay collection will start when active again. | 1800000 (30 minutes) |
record_mask_text_class | CSS class name or regular expression for elements that will have their text contents masked. | new RegExp('^(mp-mask|fs-mask|amp-mask|rr-mask|ph-mask)$') (common industry mask classes) |
record_mask_text_selector | CSS selector for elements that will have their text contents masked. | "*" |
record_max_ms | Maximum length of a single replay in milliseconds. Up to 24 hours is supported. Once a replay has reached the maximum length, a new one will begin. | 86400000 (24 hours) |
record_min_ms | Minimum length of a single replay in milliseconds. Up to 8 seconds is supported. If a replay does not meet the minimum length, it will be discarded. | 0 (0 seconds) |
record_sessions_percent | Percentage of SDK initializations that will qualify for replay data capture. A value of “1” = 1%. | 0 |
record_canvas | When true, Mixpanel will record snapshots of <canvas> elements on your site at up to 15 frames per second | false |
Session Replay Methods
We give our customers full control to customize when and where they capture session replays.
Start capturing replay data
This will have no effect if replay data collection is in progress.
This is optional, and can be used primarily to programmatically start and stop recording, or exclude something specific from recording. We recommend using the sampling method detailed above unless you need to customize when you capture replay data.
Stop capturing replay data
This will have no effect if there is no replay data collection in progress.
Get replay properties
Use this method to get properties used to identify a replay that is taking place. Add the properties from this method to any events sent to Mixpanel that are not coming from the SDK (e.g. from a CDP library).
If your Mixpanel Events are instrumented using the JavaScript SDK, these properties will automatically be added.
// {$mp_replay_id: '19221397401184-063a51e0c3d58d-17525637-1d73c0-1919139740f185'}
Returns an empty object if there is no Replay in progress.
Get replay URL
Returns a URL linking to the current replay in the Mixpanel UI. This URL is accessible only by authenticated users with the necessary permissions for the Mixpanel project. This is useful for debugging purposes or for adding metadata to other platforms, such as support tickets.
// https://mixpanel.com/projects/replay-redirect?replay_id=19307d78e24394fe15-0cd98d8fd9ad1d-1f525636-4b9600-19307d78e28194fe15&distinct_id=123&token=my-project-token
Returns null if there is no Replay in progress.
Example Scenarios
Scenario | Guidance |
We have a sensitive screen we don’t want to capture | When user is about to access the sensitive screen, call mixpanel.stop_session_recording() . To resume recording once they leave this screen, you can resume recording with mixpanel.start_session_recording() |
We only want to record certain types of users (e.g. Free plan users only) | Using your application code, determine if current user meets the criteria of users you wish to capture. If they do, then call mixpanel.start_session_recording() to force recording on |
We only want to users utilizing certain features | When user is about to access the feature you wish to capture replays for, call mixpanel.start_session_recording() to force recording on |
Tips & Tricks While Implementing
- Search for Session Recording Checkpoint events in your project, tracked as
. When you capture Mixpanel session replays, the SDK will automatically emit this default event. If you’ve implemented correctly, you should see these events appear. Note: the Session Recording Checkpoint event does not count as a billed event for events plans in Mixpanel. - Calling
in your website / application is a good test to see if it causes Session Recording Checkpoint event mentioned above to appear. If it does, and you’re still struggling to find replays for Users and Reports, your sampling rate may not be working, or may be set too low. - Check the home page for your project to see if there are any replays listed in the Latest Replays card.
- If you’re still struggling to implement, submit a request to our Support team for more assistance.
Mixpanel offers a privacy-first approach to Session Replay, including features such as data masking. Mixpanel’s Session Replay privacy controls were designed to assist customers in protecting end user privacy. Read more here.
User Data
The Mixpanel SDK will always mask all inputs. By default, all text on a page will also be masked unless a different record_mask_text_selector
is specified.
Along with other data, the SDK respects all Do Not Track (DNT) settings as well as manual opt-out for any replay data.
User replays are stored for 30 days after the time of ingestion. There is no way to view a replay older than 30 days old.
Release History
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